Photographed near Kallaru forest reserve.

Photographed near Kallaru forest reserve.

Photographed near Kallaru forest reserve.

Photographed near Kallaru forest reserve.
Peregrine Falcon
(පෙරි කුරුලුගොයා)
Falco peregrinus
I believe this is a juvenile Peregrine Falcon and a beauty at that. While on my way to Mannar, I saw him flying parallel to the road near Kallaru forest reserve and I stopped immediately quite by chance although I didn't recognize him immediately.
He has made a fresh kill of a lizard which he was holding on to.

Photographed in Horton Plains National Park.

Photographed in Horton Plains National Park.

Photographed in Horton Plains National Park.

Photographed in Horton Plains National Park.
Shaheen Falcon
(ශහීන් කුරුලුගොයා)
Falco peregrinus peregrinator
Photographed at the top of 'Kirigalpotta' mountain peak inside Horton Plains National Park. This beauty was flying around like a bullet before sitting down on the edge of the rock. What a magnificent flying machine.

Still waiting to get lucky and capture image.

Still waiting to get lucky and capture image.
Oriental Hobby / Indian Hobby
(පෙරදිගු හොබි කුරුලුගොයා)
Falco severus
Yet to capture image

Still waiting to get lucky and capture image.

Still waiting to get lucky and capture image.
Red-necked Falcon / Red-headed Merlin
(රතු-හිස් කුරුලුගොයා)
Falco chicquera
Yet to capture image

Still waiting to get lucky and capture image.

Still waiting to get lucky and capture image.
Amur Falcon
(අමූර් කුරුලුගොයා)
Falco amurensis
Yet to capture image

Still waiting to get lucky and capture image.

Still waiting to get lucky and capture image.
Lesser Kestrel
(හීන් කුරුලුගොයා)
Falco naumanni
Yet to capture image

Photographed on the road from Mannar to Jaffna.

Photographed on the road from Mannar to Jaffna.

Photographed on the road from Mannar to Jaffna.

Photographed on the road from Mannar to Jaffna.
Common Kestrel
(පොදු කුරුලුගොයා)
Falco tinnunculus
Based on the markings I believe this is a female/juvenile Common Kestrel. Seen close to Vidithalathiw on the Mannar-Jaffna road. I did a bit of off-roading to try and get closer to it when it flew out from the wire and settled on a small tree. What a beautiful killer.

Still waiting to get lucky and capture image.

Still waiting to get lucky and capture image.