Medium-Sized Terns

Photographed in Bundala National Park.

Photographed in Bundala National Park.

Photographed in Bundala National Park.

Photographed in Bundala National Park.
Common Tern
(පොදු මුහුදුලිහිනියා)
Sterna hirundo
Based on size, the grey upperparts, hint of red in the beak, I believe these are Common Tern's in non-breeding plumage. Observed and photographed at Bundala National Park, there were 4 of them at the edge of a water hole.

Still waiting to get lucky and capture image.

Still waiting to get lucky and capture image.
Roseate Tern
(අරුනු මුහුදුලිහිනියා)
Sterna dougallii
Yet to capture image

Still waiting to get lucky and capture image.

Still waiting to get lucky and capture image.
Black-naped Tern
(කලු-ගෙලැසි මුහුදුලිහිනියා)
Sterna sumatrana
Yet to capture image

Still waiting to get lucky and capture image.

Still waiting to get lucky and capture image.
Bridled Tern
(කඩියාලම් මුහුදුලිහිනියා)
Onychoprion anaethetus
Yet to capture image

Still waiting to get lucky and capture image.

Still waiting to get lucky and capture image.
Sooty Tern
(දුම්බුටු මුහුදුලිහිනියා)
Onychoprion fuscatus
Yet to capture image