Smaller Tringa Sandpipers, Ruff, Turnstone and Phalarope

Photographed in Yala National Park with my point-and-shoot camera.

Photographed in Yala National Park with my point-and-shoot camera.

Photographed in Yala National Park with my point-and-shoot camera.
Green Sandpiper
(කොල සිලිබිල්ලා)
Tringa ochropus
Based on the white eyebrow not extending behind the eye, greenish legs and the dark olive-brown upperparts, I believe this is a Green Sandpiper.
Seen at Yala National Park and captured with my point-and-shoot camera.

Photographed in Mannar.

Photographed at Anavilundawa Wetlands.

Photographed in Chundikulam.

Photographed in Mannar.
Wood Sandpiper
(වන සිලිබිල්ලා)
Tringa glareola
First spotted at 'Anawilundawa' where he was all by himself as the lake has almost dried out.
Next photographed in Mannar. Based on the sturdier bill compared to a breeding Marsh Sandpiper, I believe this is a Wood Sandpiper. The last set of images is from Chundikulam.
What a beautiful bird.

Still waiting to get lucky and capture image.

Still waiting to get lucky and capture image.
Terek Sandpiper
(ටෙරෙක් සිලින්නා)
Xenus cinereus
Yet to capture image

Photographed in Bundala National Park.

Photographed in Bundala National Park.

Photographed in Bundala National Park.

Photographed in Bundala National Park.
Common Sandpiper
(පොදු සිලිත්තා)
Actitis hypoleucos
This beautiful bird was first spotted at 'Bundala' National Park. I believe its a Green Sandpiper as its features, in my opinion, resembles a Common Sandpiper than a Wood Sandpiper or a Green Sandpiper.
I took photos again of this beauty in Bundala on a different day.

Still waiting to get lucky and capture image.

Still waiting to get lucky and capture image.

Photographed in Bundala National Park.

Photographed in Bundala National Park.

Photographed in Bundala National Park.

Photographed in Bundala National Park.
Ruddy Turnstone / Turnstone
(රත් ගල්පෙරලියා)
Arenaria interpres
These bunch of birds was seen at 'Bundala' National Park on a September morning. These winter visitors have just arrived in Sri Lankan shores as the winter season starts in September.
Came across them again in April. By now they are in full breeding plumage.

Still waiting to get lucky and capture image.

Still waiting to get lucky and capture image.
Red-necked Phalarope
(රත්ගෙල දියවටුවා)
Phalaropus lobatus
Yet to capture image

Still waiting to get lucky and capture image.

Still waiting to get lucky and capture image.
Buff-breasted Sandpiper
(ළයපන්දු සිලින්නා)
Tryngites subruficollis
Yet to capture image