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Skuas and Larger Gulls

Antarctic Skua / Brown Skua
(දුම්බුරු පිරි-විලුම්බුවා)
Stercorarius antarcticus

Yet to capture image

Antarctic Skua
Pomarine Jaeger / Pomarine Skua
(පොමර්‍ය්න් විලුම්බුවා)
Stercorarius pomarinus

Yet to capture image

Pomarine Jaeger
Parasitic Jaeger / Arctic Skua
(පරපුටු විලුම්බුවා)
Stercorarius parasiticus

Yet to capture image

Vagrant species
Parasitic Jaeger
Heuglin's Gull / Lesser Black-backed Gull
(හෙඋග්ලින් ගලුවියා)
Larus fuscus

Seen in Mannar, these Gull's were among many other Terns and Gull's which made it difficult to identify them apart.


I was lucky to even come across a first winter visitor as seen with dark primaries.

Heuglin's Gull
Great Black-headed Gull
(මහ කලු-හිස ගලුවියා)
Ichthyaetus ichthyaetus

This flock of Great Black-headed Gull's were photographed in Mannar. This odd looking Gull's were among other Terns and Gull's.

Great Black-headed Gull
South Polar Skua
Stercorarius maccormicki

Yet to capture image

Vagrant species
South Polar Skua
Long-tailed Skua
Stercorarius longicaudus

Yet to capture image

Vagrant species
Long-tailed Skua

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