Skuas and Larger Gulls

Still waiting to get lucky and capture image.

Still waiting to get lucky and capture image.
Antarctic Skua / Brown Skua
(දුම්බුරු පිරි-විලුම්බුවා)
Stercorarius antarcticus
Yet to capture image

Still waiting to get lucky and capture image.

Still waiting to get lucky and capture image.
Pomarine Jaeger / Pomarine Skua
(පොමර්ය්න් විලුම්බුවා)
Stercorarius pomarinus
Yet to capture image

Still waiting to get lucky and capture image.

Still waiting to get lucky and capture image.
Parasitic Jaeger / Arctic Skua
(පරපුටු විලුම්බුවා)
Stercorarius parasiticus
Yet to capture image

Photographed in Mannar.

Photographed in Mannar.

Photographed in Mannar.

Photographed in Mannar.
Heuglin's Gull / Lesser Black-backed Gull
(හෙඋග්ලින් ගලුවියා)
Larus fuscus
Seen in Mannar, these Gull's were among many other Terns and Gull's which made it difficult to identify them apart.
I was lucky to even come across a first winter visitor as seen with dark primaries.

Photographed in Mannar.

Photographed in Mannar.

Photographed in Mannar.

Photographed in Mannar.
Great Black-headed Gull
(මහ කලු-හිස ගලුවියා)
Ichthyaetus ichthyaetus
This flock of Great Black-headed Gull's were photographed in Mannar. This odd looking Gull's were among other Terns and Gull's.

Still waiting to get lucky and capture image.

Still waiting to get lucky and capture image.

Still waiting to get lucky and capture image.

Still waiting to get lucky and capture image.